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Hygge-Related Social Media Calendar for November 2023

Breakfast at the Campsite in the Fall/Autumn

November 2023 Social Media Calendar for Hygge-Related Days

Are you looking forward to the upcoming Holidays? We look forward to spending time with family for Thanksgiving, drinking apple cider, eating gingerbread cookies (or making gingerbread houses!), spending time outdoors, and relaxing because we will be busy planning for Thanksgiving and the upcoming Holidays! As of this month, we celebrate Apple Cider Day, National Camp Day, National Gingerbread Cookie Day, National Hiking Day, Recreation Day, World Kindness Day, Zero Tasking Day, and so on!

We also have National Fun With Fondue Month, National Pomegranate Month, National Book Week, National Tree Week, and International Games Week. There are so many hygge-related holidays to celebrate this month. Scroll down to take a look at the list for November 2023.


Are you looking for a list of upcoming hygge-related national and international holidays? You have come to the right place! We understand the struggle of searching for these holidays, so we've created a monthly social media calendar to make it easier for you. Our calendar is filled with hygge-related national and international days, weeks, and months that you can share on your social media accounts. Keep an eye out for our upcoming blog posts for more information. Cheers to celebrating the cozy and comfortable moments in life!

What is Hygge?

Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) is a Danish cultural concept and value of warmth, happiness, coziness, and togetherness that people make time for in everyday life. To keep it short, read one of our blog posts, "What is Hygge?" to learn more about this beautiful concept.

What is a Social Media Calendar?

A social media calendar is a list of upcoming posts organized by date and time, such as national and international days, weeks, and months. Social media users sometimes use national holidays to attract new views and followers to their social media posts by adding specific hashtags, such as #NationalFrenchToastDay.

If you are looking for national and international holidays to share on social media relating to hygge, here is the list for November 2023:

Did we miss a hygge-related national/international day, week, or month for November 2023? Let us know, and we will update the social media calendar.



About the Blogger

Kelly Mercer enjoys writing topics related to the beach, hygge, and home decor. She currently resides in Wilmington, North Carolina, with her family.

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